Saturday, December 29, 2007

Heard from work

This title will be any calls that I receive that I find amusing or strange. I will not give names of customers or techs to save them the embarrassment and for the safety of law suits.
Me: Thank you for calling ATM Network Support
Customer (upset): Yes I just used your ATM and it captured my card.
M: Ok did it give you your cash or a receipt?
C: Yes i received both.
M: Ok on the receipt there should be an ATM ID please read it off to me.

(ID given and information brought up)

M: Ok what you will need to do is contact the card provider and have them issue you a new card.
C: No, you have to get this card out of the ATM this is my mother's card.
M: It is who's card?
C: My mother's and she doesn't know that I have it.

Some days it doesn't pay to steal.

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