Friday, December 28, 2007

The only surving crew member is ...

Nero. Well not really. As some of you may know that I am taking things from the BBC show "Red Dwarf"and using it for titles. If you don't know the show about Dave Lister the only human alive on a ship call Red Dwarf, hence the name. The show starts out by introducing the crew members and their roles to what goes on in the show.
What has happened. During a radiation leak the entire crew was wiped out except for Dave Lister, a bum the lowest ranking man or being on the ship and had no goal in life until joining up. ArnoldJ. Rimmer, A hologram of a second tech with high hopes of becoming an officer but has failed 11 times running due to being mad with power and being a complete and total Smeg Head. Cat, thats right a cat but this cat doesn't just slink along his wardrobe would make your mother think she is conservative. Holly, the ship's computer with an I.Q. of 6000 which is the same I.Q. of 6000 P.E. teacher. Later the crew picks up Kryten, a series 3000 mechanode programed to clean but has been able to break his programing with help from Lister and is able to become more human. Kristine Kochanski, Navigation officer who Lister is in love with but can never seem to get his true feeling out for her.
If you ever get the chance and you like British comedies grab these!

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